Present Perfect Continuous Tense : 50 simple Affirmative sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense - 100+ simple, interrogative, negative Sentences in English

Monday, January 1, 2024

Present Perfect Continuous Tense : 50 simple Affirmative sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that began in the past, is still ongoing in the present, and is expected to continue into the future. It is formed using the present perfect of the auxiliary verb "have" (have/has), the past participle of the main verb "been," and the present participle of the main verb (ending in -ing).

The basic structure is: 
has/have + been + present participle

Here are the rules and examples:


Subject + has/have + been + present participle

50 simple Affirmative sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1. I have been reading this book for hours.
2. They have been studying English since last year.
3. We have been cooking dinner for the family.
4. He has been working on his novel for months.
5. Has she been practicing the piano regularly?
6. The children have been playing in the park all day.
7. I have been trying to contact you for days.
8. She has been attending yoga classes every weekend.
9. How long have you been learning to swim?
10. We have been waiting for the bus since noon.
11. They have not been using their car recently.
12. He has been jogging every morning for fitness.
13. I have been writing emails since I got to the office.
14. She has been working on the project tirelessly.
15. We have been living in this neighborhood for years.
16. Have they been exploring new places lately?
17. I have been volunteering at the animal shelter.
18. She has been taking care of her sick friend.
19. They have been building a new house since spring.
20. We have been saving money for a vacation.
21. How long has he been looking for his keys?
22. I have not been eating much junk food lately.
23. She has been teaching English to refugees.
24. They have been organizing the event for weeks.
25. I have been running errands all afternoon.
26. The company has been expanding its services.
27. We have been discussing the plan with the team.
28. Has she been practicing the guitar every day?
29. I have been feeling more energetic since I started exercising.
30. They have been living in the same city for a decade.
31. He has not been wearing his glasses recently.
32. Have you been taking care of your health lately?
33. I have been watching this TV series for weeks.
34. She has been searching for a new job since graduation.
35. We have been cleaning the house for the guests.
36. How long has he been playing video games?
37. I have been attending online classes for my degree.
38. They have been working on the farm all summer.
39. I have been enjoying the beautiful weather.
40. She has been knitting a sweater for her nephew.
41. We have been saving water by fixing leaks.
42. He has been practicing mindfulness for inner peace.
43. Has she been meeting new people at the club?
44. I have been learning Spanish for a few months.
45. They have been taking care of their garden with love.
46. I have not been using social media much lately.
47. Have you been following the news regularly?
48. She has been painting landscapes in her free time.
49. We have been exploring different cuisines.
50. He has been helping his neighbors with chores.
51. I have been waiting for the bus for half an hour.
52. They have been playing soccer since the morning.
53. She has been studying French for three months.
54. We have been working on this project for weeks.
55. Has he been practicing the piano every day?
56. The kids have been playing video games all evening.
57. It's clear that she has been exercising regularly.
58. How long have you been learning to play the guitar?
59. He has been living in this city since 2010.
60. We have not been using the car lately.
61. The garden looks beautiful. I have been planting flowers.
62. They have been renovating their house for several weeks.
63. How long have you been studying for the exam?
64. I have been writing emails since this morning.
65. She has been attending dance classes for a year.
66. The team has been practicing for the upcoming competition.
67. We have been waiting for the results patiently.
68. He has not been feeling well for the past few days.
69. Has she been working on the assignment all night?
70. They have been traveling around Europe for months.

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